Aplicaciones para REPU Atix 2025 se extienden hasta el 8 de octubre
Puedes encontrar el formulario de aplicación haciendo click aquí.
La convocatoria REPU-Atix 2025 ahora se cierra el 8 de octubre a las 11:59pm
Recuerda que:
* REPU-Atix provee una pasantía científica en las áreas de Biología, Química y Física, en instituciones académicas y de investigación en el Perú. Esta pasantía se realizará entre los meses de enero y marzo.
* Esta aplicación es exclusiva para estudiantes peruanos de pregrado que viven y estudian fuera de Lima.
* Si ya postulaste a la pasantía REPU internacional 2025, igual puedes llenar tu formulario para REPU-Atix, a menos de que ya hayas sido aceptado para la pasantía internacional.
* Puedes postular a pesar de ya haber egresado, sin embargo se dará prioridad a los estudiantes de pregrado.
* Puedes postular con inglés nivel básico.
* REPU-Atix no ofrece financiamiento económico.
TEMAS de pasantía:
1. Biotecnología reproductiva para la conservación y mejora genética animal.
2. Genómica y Biología Molecular de microorganismos.
1. Utilización de biopolímeros y sus derivados en el encapsulamiento de moléculas (naturales o sintéticas) con actividades farmacológicas.
1. Investigación en técnicas de huellas nucleares.
Applicant's profile
Students who are willing to apply to the program at any of the five branches must meet the following requirements in addition to the technical knowledge specified per branch. Successful candidates usually:
Have completed or are at least in the 3rd year of undergraduate studies in a STEM major at any Peruvian university by the time of the application.
Have previous experience in research or in the development of an engineering project and programming skills.
Know English at an advanced level, they must be capable to have scientific discussions and to write academic documents in this language. There is no need to prove it through a certificate or examination because the application process will be in more than 50% in English.
Share the same commitment of our community for the development of the technological and scientific capacity in the country, as well as being eager to participate in the sustainability of REPU.
Have a valid passport, or be already in the process of obtaining one.
Application stages
The application process for the REPU Program is divided into two qualifying rounds, each of them requires both English and Spanish proficiency. The results after each round are notified by e-mail, for which a constant check on the e-mail inbox and spam is recommended. The final results will be published through our social networks, as well as any changes in the deadline.
1st round: All applicants will be required to fill out a questionnaire, upload a CV, a personal statement, and a short video about themselves.
2nd round: Successful candidates from the previous round will go through an online interview. The interview will be in English and will consist of the discussion of a scientific article (provided 1-hour prior to the interview).